Conscious Aging Course
Have you bought into the ‘anti-aging’ frenzy?
Do you really want to be ANTI anything – especially Aging?
If you are in midlife or beyond, no doubt you’ve begun to experience the aging process. Perhaps you have seen grey hairs or wrinkles on your face. Maybe you are getting fatigued more easily of experiencing stiffness in your joints. Most of us tend to ignore these changes in the hopes that if we pretend they aren’t happening, perhaps they won’t.
Some of us do everything we can to fight it. The media supports this notion by telling us that we can stop the aging process. Products abound and the message out there is that it is NOT okay to be old.
Aging in our society is often seen as a problem and most of us have fears that are based on myths about aging that we’ve come to believe.
Wouldn’t it be nice to age more consciously?
What if there was a new way to view the whole process?
What if everything about the aging process was meant for your spiritual growth?
Let’s explore how to do this -COURSE TOPICS INCLUDE:
Myths, Lies, and Truths about Aging
Learning to do a Life Review
The Spirituality of Aging
Setting Intentions for the Future
We’ll spend 2 weeks on each topic. Each section will also provide extensive exercises and techniques for you to truly embody the material presented.
Actually, the course can truly be an ongoing experience since many of the techniques and exercises are things you can do repeatedly
In this course you will:
- Discover the myths that you may have come to believe about aging
- Face your fears and learn techniques to overcome them
- Do a life review to
- complete the incompletes in your past
- discover the potential still to be born
- Begin to look at how the aging process can be an aid to spiritual growth
- Decide what you want to be remembered for
- Write your own eulogy and perhaps memorial service
- Plan how you want to live the rest of your life
TIME: 7-9:00 p.m. EDT
Dates – Feb. 16, 23, Mar. 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, April 6th
Appreciation: $149
A PDF file will be provided as an ebook to download when you register
On the first night of class, you will be given the link access to the ONLINE course,
a $97 gift that you can keep for life to review at any time.
ABOUT Rev.Dr. TONI LaMOTTADr. Toni is a keynote speaker, best-selling author, and spiritual teacher who supports people (in Midlife and Beyond) in growing spiritually through the process of aging. Her experience? – from Catholic nun to computer programmer, dinner theater actress, entrepreneur, professional speaker, New Thought (Center for Spiritual Living) Ordained Minister and spiritual life coach. She is also the author of the bestselling book -, “What You REALLY Want, Wants You: Uncovering Twelve Qualities You Already Have to Get What You Think Is Missing” and many other works on Conscious Aging found on AMAZON and KINDLE